Mission Statement
The mission of the PBAC shall be to foster the connection between band alumni and friends with the University of Pittsburgh band program. This includes financial and operational support for the Director of Bands, staff, and students in order to continue the highest level of excellence of this program. As an affinity council, the PBAC will support the mission of the University of Pittsburgh Alumni Association (PAA), promoting a spirit of cooperation and loyalty among alumni and friends of the University to advance the cause of higher education.
The Executive Committee
The Executive Committee of the Pitt Band Alumni Council consists of those alumni that want to go above and beyond with organizing support of the Pitt Band students, staff, and alumni. Our membership consists of four officers who serve two-year terms, various subcommittee chairpersons and liaisons, and any other alumni and friends of the Pitt Band that join us on a regular basis. Our main event every year is organizing Alumni Band Day for every fall football season, but we also support the band behind the scenes in many other ways throughout the year. This includes organizing student scholarships, as-needed alumni pep bands, smaller events for alumni and students, supplemental equipment and repairs, seasonal newsletters, and representation with the Pitt Alumni Association. However, we are always looking for additional ideas and help to further enhance the student and alumni experience and engagement. If you would like to join us, our meetings are always open and we would love to have you anytime!
PBAC Officers, 2024–2026
Matt O’Polka
Saxophone, 2010–2014
CBA 2014
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Vice President
Candy Vernille
Piccolo, 2005–2010
A&S 2010
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Steven Guenther
Mellophone, 2010–2014
CBA 2014
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Bethany Franklin
Bass, 2010–2014
A&S 2014
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PBAC Subcommittee Chairpersons
Past President
Adam Warble
Trumpet, 2003–2008
A&S 2008
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Scholarship Chair
Kevin McKenna
Trumpet, 2011–2015
A&S 2015
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Communications Chair
Candy Vernille
Piccolo, 2005–2010
A&S 2010
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Technology Chair
Tim Parenti
Trumpet, 2006–2010
ENGR 2010
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Meetings are typically held monthly. Check the calendar on our homepage or email pbac.executive@gmail.com for the latest information. All alumni and graduating seniors are welcome.
Charter Member of the NAoAB
In 2020, the PBAC was proud to join with 23 other alumni organizations from college bands across the nation to charter the formation of a National Association of Alumni Bands (NAoAB) to share best practices and provide leadership and coordination for such programs. The association's mission is to serve as "the indispensable advocate for alumni bands across the U.S."
Alumni of America's leading college and university marching bands carry on their premiere collegiate experience in marching band through alumni associations such as PBAC, which not only engender financial support for college band programs and current band students, but also provide an outlet for ongoing performances by alumni musicians. NAoAB's goal is to develop and enhance peer connections across the country to solve issues, develop strategies, and provide a conduit for alumni band leaders to learn how to better serve their constituencies, their members, and the college band programs they support.
Learn more about the NAoAB at alumnibands.org.
Pitt Alumni Association
Become a member today!
Being a member of the Pitt Alumni Association (PAA) entitles you to many benefits and services that include members-only publications, travel opportunities, advanced notice of events, and discounts for Alumni sponsored events, as well as retail discounts at the Pitt Shop and Bookstore. You will also have unlimited access to the online community where you can reconnect with classmates, add class notes, and network with other Pitt professionals. The Pitt Career Network through LinkedIn also allows you to connect with fellow Pitt alumni.
Learn more about the PAA at alumni.pitt.edu.